Raven Stole the Sun
Angoon, Alaska
I collaborated with Angoon students and teachers to create and perform an original play sharing the story of how Raven brought light to the world. Angoon educator Pauline Duncan led students to use Tlingit songs and dance in telling the story. I led Junior High and High School students in studying traditional versions of the story, learning elements of playwriting, and writing the story as a play. I worked with 4th-12th grade students to build papier-mâché puppets to represent characters, and K-2nd grade students to create props and scenery. Students K-12 performed ‘Raven Stole the Sun’ for a community audience on November 12, 2015.
Press coverage: Angoon Play To Be Live-Streamed Thursday // Angoon Students Stage 'Raven Stole The Sun'
This project was sponsored by the Alaska State Arts Council and Chatham School District through the Artists in Schools program.