
One Hundred Days - One Hundred Voices

One Hundred Days - One Hundred Voices
April 29, 2017

The 2016 presidential election and Trump’s first months in office have opened fault lines within our nation, our communities, and our families.  No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, this has been a tough time. Art has the power to share honest expression, create understanding, and cross divides.  What better time to try?

I developed the The One Hundred Days - One Hundred Voices Community Arts Showcase as an avenue to express a variety of local responses to the first one hundred days of the Trump presidency.  The event included a pop-up gallery show, live performances, and community art-making activities at The Canvas Community Art Studio & Gallery in Juneau, AK.

Artists were asked to make pieces to respond to one or more of these questions:  •    In what way(s) has this political climate affected you? •    What is most on your mind right now? •    What role does art play in this time, for you personally or for the community?

Twenty artists from Juneau, Gustavus, Sitka, and Angoon presented work across a range of mediums, including: textiles, photography, video documentary, audio production, poetry, painting, sculpture, collage, storytelling, and music performance.

Fifty community members attended the pop-up event, and added their voices to a graph of local emotional response to events occurring during President Trump's first one hundred days. 

Here is an article about One Hundred Days - One Hundred Voices in the Capital City Weekly.

This event wouldn't have been possible without many amazing hands coming together to make it happen. Special thanks to Kirsa Hughes-Skandijs, Heidi Herter, Matt Davis, Sarah Sjostedt, Pat Race, Stephen SueWing, Patrick Courtnage, Carl Brodersen, and Shona Strauser. Thanks also to the technical wizards from Alaska Music One and the fine staff at The Canvas Art Studio & Gallery.